Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Google: A Big Brother-monopoly relationship

      Last week I posted a link how Microsoft is now accusing Google of monopoly. Every time I think of monopoly I just think about the game. Well, however, the whole deal people are afraid of Google becoming a huge monopoly (since it has control over the internet now) is because they're afraid of being watched by Big Brother. Uncle Sam is watching everyone and thanks to Google, Big Brother is actually watching you and knows what you're doing and what you're planning to do.
      The question that got me thinking though is, do federal laws really want to launch an antitrust probe into Google's dominance of the internet? They needed, and they know they actually do needed more than anything else now; nevertheless, Google decreases competition and is becoming a powerful search engine monopoly. Not even Yahoo nor Bing can compete against the almighty Google. If Google is becoming a "private" Big Brother instead of being run by the government, then the government should instead create a type of relationship that could help balance Google's monopoly and the federal government's "all-seeing eye."
    Google right now is like the Roman Empire. Little by Little is taking over everything, and unlike the Roman Empire, their vision for the future is greater than anything else. Today, Google is everything for us. Maybe in the future it will become everything that we need. From their inventions of creating cars without the need for the drivers to using their technology for more than just smartphones. I guess this is the fear Microsoft is having now since Google announced more than a year ago the release of their own operating system.
 All I have to say is c'est la vie in the world of becoming the world's number one company.


  1. Should power be concentrated in the hands of a single private entity that is not answerable or accountable to anyone but it's shareholder?

  2. I think it is necessary for some government interaction to balance such power. Capitalism is all about separating the government from interacting with private entities. However, like in the case of the European Union, sometimes these corporations can go too far and this is the whole reason Marx argued how the capitalist don't do any work and just exploit workers. The workers are not only those who work under the roof of Google's headquarters, but the users as well become exploited. The profits they gain is from the users private information. Such informations are shared with other private corporations or entities. But overall, even though this goes against the idea of capitalism, we should better have a mix capitalist system. No. We won't become a socialist nation; however, it is time to redefine capitalism in the 21st century. It has proven to be the best type of economic system, not perfect, but it works great and now that technology has changed the world, it is time to change such system.
