Monday, April 11, 2011

New Unofficial Agents: Google, Facebook, and other tech companies?

Recently I read an article (or more like a Forbes' blog post) on how tech companies are becoming a secretive (not that secretive, but in terms of what they do) and unofficial government agents.  As social networking increases, there will be a better and higher chance for government agencies to intervene with tech companies. According to U.S government, sometimes these companies have to follow Federal inspections, that means that they take advantage for such inspections to request users information. The United States is not the only company that is increasingly taking advantage of this. We have an example of Yahoo and the Chinese government. Yahoo helped the Chinese government to arrest certain individuals that were considered a "threat" to the country.
Forbes' link:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And still afraid of Google?
A company that no one has never heard before has been breached by hackers. The problem with this company that goes by the name of Epsilon, is that it provides services to many corporations such as Citibank or top 10 Forbes companies. Epsilon holds information of millions of Americans and yet people think that Google is too much. It was only names and emails that were exposed, but this tells us that hackers are capable to breach at almost every company.

Google: A Big Brother-monopoly relationship

      Last week I posted a link how Microsoft is now accusing Google of monopoly. Every time I think of monopoly I just think about the game. Well, however, the whole deal people are afraid of Google becoming a huge monopoly (since it has control over the internet now) is because they're afraid of being watched by Big Brother. Uncle Sam is watching everyone and thanks to Google, Big Brother is actually watching you and knows what you're doing and what you're planning to do.
      The question that got me thinking though is, do federal laws really want to launch an antitrust probe into Google's dominance of the internet? They needed, and they know they actually do needed more than anything else now; nevertheless, Google decreases competition and is becoming a powerful search engine monopoly. Not even Yahoo nor Bing can compete against the almighty Google. If Google is becoming a "private" Big Brother instead of being run by the government, then the government should instead create a type of relationship that could help balance Google's monopoly and the federal government's "all-seeing eye."
    Google right now is like the Roman Empire. Little by Little is taking over everything, and unlike the Roman Empire, their vision for the future is greater than anything else. Today, Google is everything for us. Maybe in the future it will become everything that we need. From their inventions of creating cars without the need for the drivers to using their technology for more than just smartphones. I guess this is the fear Microsoft is having now since Google announced more than a year ago the release of their own operating system.
 All I have to say is c'est la vie in the world of becoming the world's number one company.

Google and government requests

Not only the United States asks Google for users information, but as the link shows, there is a list of how many countries have done it so.